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The Wisdom of James CD Set: by Sylvia Pearce

  • Most think that the epistle of James is an elementary and maybe even legalistic in its presentation.  I, myself thought so.  However, I have come to see James through the lens of the Spirit of Wisdom, and now consider it to be as valuable as Proverbs, its Old Testament counterpart. James is a book of Wisdom. It cuts through the Believers baby stages and sours to heights beyond what most understand.

    The Apostle James profound beginning ought to be evident enough for us to cause us to realize that a legalistic flesh person could never, as James says, “Count it all joy when you fall into various temptations and trials.” James, like the Apostle Paul, presses believers onward to receive what he calls “the Crown of Life.” And what Paul proclaims in I Corinthians to be God’s “Hidden Wisdom.” Proverbs says that she, Wisdom is the path to peace and the Tree of Life to them who lay hold of her (Pro. 3:17-18). Therefore, James begs us to get Wisdom, for she is the principal thing.

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