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The Liberating Secret


Christ, Our Life Ministries Inc.

The Jesus Revolution

JUNE 6-9, 2023

Hosted by Scott and Sylvia Pearce



“I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophecy.” All this ”before the great and terrible day of the Lord” (Joel 2:23-32)

The latter-day-rain of the Holy Spirit quickens our divine minds to understand God’s mysterious “ways.” How does He bring great light out of great darkness, and peace out of sorrow and conflict?  The Spirit is calling us to go “Deeper and Higher” which will prepare us to discover God’s “Hidden Wisdom.”


The Crown of Glory


Why a crown? What is so important about a crown? Since a crown belongs on our head, could it be that through the fall, Adam lost his crown or his divine mind and inherited a carnal mind or a “crown of pride and shame”? Is this why the “Second Adam” Christ, bore the crown of thorns on behalf of all who would come to Him by faith? Is His one act of faith the reason, that the Father crowned Him “King of Kings and Lord of All”? Can we believers know that we too can have and be crowned with His Glory? Yes, it is true. For Jesus promises it (John 17:22)! This is the very reason why the Psalmist proclaims and sings this song of Glory.
“Who is the King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates even lift them up, ye everlasting doors and the King of Glory shall come in.”
(Psalms 24:7-10).




“The Jesus Revolution”

June 6-9, 2024

Thursday   (Not Live Streamed)

Thursday evening at 7:00pm June 1st you are invited to Scott and Sylvia’s house (13983 Poplar Lane, Louisville, KY 40299) for hors d’oeuvres and a night where we can “meet and greet” new people and reacquaint ourselves with old friends.  Also, we will kick off the first night of “THE JESUS REVOLUTION.” Come join in on the fun!



MC-Jenny Fienning and Diane Gillooly


Starting Time:                                                          

8:30 am-Praise and Worship: Joel Gerdis and Friends

  • Announcements—Jenny Fienning 9:00-9:15

  • Opening Prayer & Scripture Reading Tom Gerdis—9:15-9:30

  • Welcoming Scott and Sylvia Pearce 9:30-10:15am

  •  Brett Burrowes 10:15-11:15

  • Rich Stanley 11:20-12:00

  • Lunch is provided--12:00-1:00 (Have lunch with Bill Bower)

  • Judy Gerdis Testimony 1:00-1:10

  • Tom and Judy Gerdis song 1:10-1:20

  • Steve Scott 1:25-2:10

  • Louie Lewis 2:15-3:15

  • Sylvia Pearce 3:20-4:10

  • Music Fest: Joel with Matt, Merryll, Chris, Rae, & Andrea 4:25-5:30

  • Dinner at local restaurants—5:15—7:15 (List provided on greeting table)

  • Alan Parker -7:30-9:00

  • Any Questions?



Starting Time:    

8:30 am-Praise & Worship: Joel Gerdis and the Gang

  • Diane Gillooly announcements 9:00-9:15

  • Opening Prayer & Scripture—9:15-9:30

  • Louie Lewis 9:35-10:30

  • Sharon Roy 10:35-11:00

  • Alan Parker 11:05-12:00

  • Lunch is provided 12:00-1:00 –Sit with folks you don’t know

  • Kelly Croghan 1:00-1:30

  • Chrisney Bush Testimony 1:35-2:00

  • Sylvia Pearce Moderator for the 3 Panelist.

  • The Panel—Steve Scott, Rich Stanley, Kelly Croghan-2:10-3:00

  • Discussion Groups (Kristine Kincaid co-ordinates the groups) 3:10-4:30

  • Check the back of Agenda and see who the leaders are

  • Music-Fest: Joel Gerdis and Friends 4:35-5:30   

  • Dinner here—5:35-7:30 Rich Strickland is providing BBQ pork

  • Brett Burrowes 7:35-8:30

  • Q & A 8:30-9:30


Starting Time:

8:30 AM   Praise and Worship—Joel Gerdis and the Gang

Opening prayer & scripture—Sandra Block. 9:00-9:15

  • Brett Burrowes & Sylvia Pearce-9:30-11:00

  • Communion--Remembering Christ’ broken Body and poured out Blood.

  • Share Time--What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you? 11:00-12:00

  • Wrap Up and Help Pick Up by 12:30

  • Please Help us to break down the equipment to take to Pearce’ house(Not Live Streamed) 


Please Help us to break down the equipment to take to Pearce’ house

Brunch-Left-over’s served at the Pearce’s house at 1:30pm--.

Some may want to stay for the afterglow.




Group Sessions


  1. Brett & Matt        

  2. Diane & Jenny

  3. Joel & Louie

  4. Steve & Rich Stanley

  5. Pat Croghan & Sylvia

Hidden Glory

The Winds of the Spirit are blowing mightily during this time of worldly conflict. Disturbances seen and felt by Believers are opportunities for faith and God’s calling-card preparing and conditioning us for the outpouring of God’s mighty Holy Spirit, who will reveal to us “The Deep things of God.”

In times like these, what do you see?  Can you see that every trial, every temptation, and every painful situation has a seed of hope hidden in its depths with the potential of great glory? It is like a precious treasure waiting to escape from its prison held only by your own unbelief keeping it from having its final glorious reveal. Release it to the Lord and discover the redemptive power of its hidden glory!





“Now let us go forward as Sons of God, seeing through to the invisible, believing the incredible, and doing the impossible”—Amen


The Holy Spirit may change the agenda

“But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”

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